Tenacity Medical, Inc Apps

Headache Diary Pro 1.3
Publisher: myVillage, Inc. Category: Health: Headaches Website:www.HealthDiaries.US Name: Headache Diary Pro Description: Keepinga good record of headaches, headache frequency and pain levelsassociated with headaches is important for treatment of headaches.Headache Diary helps you keep track of your headaches, frequencyand pain levels of headaches as well as medicines that you findeffective. It also comes with graphs and reports that you can sharewith your healthcare provider. This Headache Diary Pro App includeautomated self-assessment of headaches types to help you determinethe types of headaches you may be having. Additional features ofHeadache Diary include treatment of headaches with Binaural mix ofDelta Brain Waves that use Dr. Leonard Horowitz's healing frequencydelivered in 10 minute doses. If you suffer from Headaches and wantto keep track of headache time, duration, triggers andeffectiveness of medication, possible cause and type of headachewith comprehensive reports that can be even shared with yourhealthcare provider for better treatment then this Headache Diaryapplication is for you. The Headache Evaluation/Test included withthe Headache Diary Pro is designed as an aid in self-assessment ofan individual's headache related experiences as part of theevaluation of headache complaints. Individual items and patterns ofitem during evaluation process suggest questions that may bepursued in an assessment by a healthcare provider. The items areresponded to in a yes / no fashion. The App automates theevaluation process of your headache complaints and performs anartificial-intelligence based protocol to determine headache typesyou may be having. You can even share reports with your healthcareprovider if you like for better treatment of your headaches to takeadvantage of personalized medicine protocols available today.Headache Diary Lite Features: 1. Friction Free User Interface 2.Fast: Takes Only About a Minute 3. Demographics Input, DOB, Race,Sex, Eye Color, Region 4. Date, Time and Duration of Headaches 5.Pain Level, Causes, Head Location, Headache Types 6. Effect ofHeadache on Work, Home, Marriage, Job 7. Effect of Medication Taken8. Effectiveness of Medicine 9. User can Enter Notes 10. HeadacheSummary Reports by Date that give, Headache Duration, Place, PainLevel and Cause 11. Summary Graphs: Dates vs Pain Level andDuration 12. Summary Report showing Medicine Taken and itsEffectiveness 13. Summary Report showing location and cause ofheadache 14. Detailed Reports in PDF that can be shared with yourhealthcare provider Headache Diary Pro Features: 1. All of theabove features 2. Take our Artificial Intelligence Software Test 3.Provides Objective Measure of Headaches and Possible Causes 4. Testtakes about 10 minutes 5. Take as many tests as you like pause andresume at your pace 6. See tests time line with 1st, 2nd and 3rddominant symptoms 7. Graph the time line for analysis 8. Seedetailed reports 9. Combined Diary and Test Timeline report summary10. Combined Diary and Test Timeline report graph 11. Producereports in PDF that can be shared with your healthcare provider OurGoal: Is to provide mobile solutions for objective actionable datathat is cloud based to help document and evaluate headaches thatempowers patients and clinicians to better manage your health. Weprovide objective actionable data that is cloud based to helpdocument and evaluate headaches that empower patients andclinicians to better manage their health.
Headache Diary Free
Tracks and Treats headache their effect on your work / home lifeand meds taken.
Headache Diary Pro+NeuroBeats 1.3
Publisher: myVillage, Inc. Category: Health: Headaches Website:www.HealthDiaries.US Name: Headache Diary Pro and TreatmentDescription: Keeping a good record of headaches, headache frequencyand pain levels associated with headaches is important fortreatment of headaches. Headache Diary helps you keep track of yourheadaches, frequency and pain levels of headaches as well asmedicines that you find effective. It also comes with graphs andreports that you can share with your healthcare provider. ThisHeadache Diary Pro+Treatment App include automated self-assessmentof headaches types to help you determine the types of headaches youmay be having and Binaural mix of Delta Brain Waves that use Dr.Leonard Horowitz's healing frequency delivered in 10 minute doses.If you suffer from Headaches and want to keep track of headachetime, duration, triggers and effectiveness of medication, possiblecause and type of headache with comprehensive reports that can beeven shared with your healthcare provider for better treatment thenthis application is for you. Use our built in self-assessment appto determine the type of headache you may be having and treat themusing the Dr. Leonard Horowitz's healing frequency delivered in 10minute doses. You can even share reports with your healthcareprovider if you like for better treatment of your headaches to takeadvantage of personalized medicine protocols available today.Headache Diary Lite Features: 1. Friction Free User Interface 2.Fast: Takes Only About a Minute 3. Demographics Input, DOB, Race,Sex, Eye Color, Region 4. Date, Time and Duration of Headaches 5.Pain Level, Causes, Head Location, Headache Types 6. Effect ofHeadache on Work, Home, Marriage, Job 7. Effect of Medication Taken8. Effectiveness of Medicine 9. User can Enter Notes 10. HeadacheSummary Reports by Date that give, Headache Duration, Place, PainLevel and Cause 11. Summary Graphs: Dates vs Pain Level andDuration 12. Summary Report showing Medicine Taken and itsEffectiveness 13. Summary Report showing location and cause ofheadache 14. Detailed Reports in PDF that can be shared with yourhealthcare provider Headache Diary Pro Features: 1. All of theabove features 2. Take our Artificial Intelligence Software Test 3.Provides Objective Measure of Headaches and Possible Causes 4. Testtakes about 10 minutes 5. Take as many tests as you like pause andresume at your pace 6. See tests time line with 1st, 2nd and 3rddominant symptoms 7. Graph the time line for analysis 8. Seedetailed reports 9. Combined Diary and Test Timeline report summary10. Combined Diary and Test Timeline report graph 11. Producereports in PDF that can be shared with your healthcare providerHeadache Diary with Treatment Features: 1. All of the Headache Liteand Pro features 2. Dr. Leonard Horowitz’s healing frequency 3.Pure Frequency with Ocean Waves 4. Binaural mix of Delta BrainWaves 5. Binaural mix of Delta Brain Waves with Ocean Wave 6. 10Minute Doses of above Frequencies Our Goal: Is to provide mobilesolutions for objective actionable data that is cloud based to helpdocument and evaluate headaches that empowers patients andclinicians to better manage your health. We provide objectiveactionable data that is cloud based to help document and evaluateheadaches that empower patients and clinicians to better managetheir health.
HeadacheDiary, Test+Treatment
Tracks and Treats headache their effect on your work / home lifeand meds taken.